Treating Mom – and all the special ladies in your life – to a day of fun at Worlds of Fun is a super-fantastic idea. When you bring along her family and friends, it’s a complete, all-inclusive, totally-nailed-it, AMAZING Mother’s Day celebration! At Worlds of Fun, we make it easy, as Gold and Platinum Passholders can purchase up to four (4) Bring-A-Friend tickets online at an exclusive discount of $24.99 (plus tax) for Sunday, May 12.
Only at Worlds of Fun can Mom kick up her heels and enjoy Mother’s Day activities of pure joy. Grab her hand and scream together on Falcon’s Flight and MAMBA®. Maybe she’s wants to take it easy on our Worlds of Fun Railroad and Le TaxiTour. Or, take her to a world-class live show. The good news is that you can treat Mom to all this AMAZING in just one place, just one day!