Worlds of Fun Media Center
This page has been provided for the use of credentialed members of the media. Worlds of Fun is happy to assist media members in producing superior news stories, programs and features that contain timely and up-to-date information. Please take a moment to browse through our Media Relations page.
Mailing Address
Worlds of Fun Marketing Department
4545 Worlds of Fun Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64161
Please direct any media inquiries to:
Brian McGannon, Manager of Communications and Public Relations
Office: 816-303-5125 (Media Calls Only)
High-resolution images, logos, and B-roll are available upon request.
Promotions contact:
Rita Hanch, Brand Activation Manager
Office: 816-303-5126
Non-members of the news media are asked to call our Information Center at 816-454-4545.
For donation requests or community outreach, please visit our community webpage.
Worlds of Fun is more than happy to assist you with setting up the perfect interview regarding the park and its attractions. Please contact the Public Relations Department to set up an interview.
Live Remotes
Worlds of Fun is able to provide assistance with both radio and television live remotes. All remotes must be arranged no less than one week prior to the remote (except for breaking news).
Advertising Inquiries
For advertising inquiries, please contact Zimmerman Advertising at